Create a New Mapping Configuration

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Use the steps below the create a new mapping configuration, see more information in “Importing Configurations from Excel” on the previous page.

1. From your DeNovo portal go to the Inventory management page by clicking on “INVENTORY” on the left side panel. (Opens by default after new Inventory is created).

2. Select the desired Inventory from the list that appears on your right.

3. Scroll down to “Items” and from there click on the link “Import from File“.

4. Click on the “+” symbol to the right on the “File Map” line.

5. The “New/Edit File Map” pop-up window appears on your screen. Here you can look for the non-matching column and section names.

  • For Example: If you’ve given the Barcode category the column name PLU in your file, in order for DeNovo to understand you, you need to type PLU in the “property” line next to the Barcode category. With the help of the mapping function the system will set your “column name” equal to the existing DeNovo “category name“. Repeat the operation with other categories if needed.

6. Click on SAVE.

7. To apply your “Mapping” select it from the “File Map” drop down in the “Select File to Import Items for Inventory” pop-up window and select IMPORT.

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